My birthday was yesterday and let me tell you how awesome it is to have a birthday in a weekend. My mom on thursday night sent me a email with a birthday itenerary. That may seem odd to you but it was right up my ally. Here is what we did:
- Friday: We had lunch at Sevon Saints. I had the grilled cheese and the best sweet potato fries I have ever eaten in my life. I seriously have been dreaming about these fries ever since. Friday night Erica got into town and we had dinner then mom and Erica came over and helped me clean/organize my kitchen. I think in the course of the evening I got rid of over two huge big bags of stuff. It was honestly great and something I wish I had done for a long time ago.
- Saturday: Breakfast was at nine o'clock at my rents. Then we all headed out to Bloomington to see Meg run. She won by the way which was pretty awesome. After lunch at Avanti's with my parents, Luke, Erica, Aunt Betey & Shelly we went and picked up Meg. We ended the night with mulitple games of Ticket to Ride.
- Sunday: All of us went to 9:45 church, followed by Monicals, Kami's cake and few more games of TTR. Then Meg & Erica headed out for home.
This birthday weekend was awesome and seriously better then last years. I am excited fr the things to come this year and I want to be a better wife, daughter, sister and friend. Heres to a new year!!