Thursday, February 14, 2013

6 WEEKS(as of 1/10/13)

How far along: 
6 WEEKS - Baby is the size of a Sweet Pea

About this week: 
Bought (2) belly bands at Target. They are really a life saver because now my jeans are not as uncomfortable at work. 
Extreme tiredness, nausea in the middle of the night, waking up every two hours(I guess this just starts preparing you for when you have your babe)

Food Aversions: 
No aversions but I really just want to eat shrimp all the time.

Weight Gain:
3lb - YIKES - I finally weighed myself and seriously freaked our. I am hoping this has to do with the crazy amount of fluid I am retaining. Any advise on how to not be on a diet but also not gain 3lbs in two weeks. At a rate of 3lbs in 2 weeks I will have gained a total of 54 Pounds by the end of this pregnancy  This is not going to happen!! I am determined that if I am just having 1 baby I will not gain more than 25 pounds. Guess I need to get my expanding rear back to the gym..

Best moment of the week:
Surpassing the 6 week milestone of when I miscarried during my last pregnancy

What I am looking forward to:
Seeing if we have one or two babies at our ultrasound. 

1 comment:

  1. I was really good at managing my weight until about 25 weeks. It was at that point that I couldn't control it at all, honest!

    If baby wants you to weigh more, you will weigh more. BUT as long as you are not gorging yourself it will all come off, I promise! I didn't eat super healthy but I didn't pig out either. I tried to be good and just eat when I was hungry, which just happened to be all the time! I gained more than I care to admit but once I came home from the hospital I had lost more than half of it! So don't stress it :)
