Monday, December 10, 2012

Double Dose

This is not an interesting post whatsoever and is mainly for me to remember and also to show my kids what I had to go through to get them. Yes I will probably be one of those parents. J

I was thinking about it last night and I would be really interested to see the amount of money we have spent just in 2012 trying to have a baby. I know that it is not near as much as some people because I do have insurance but it is probably a crazy amount.  People always tell you that having kids is expensive but I am putting it out there that if you cannot have a baby on your own and need help it is not free.

Anyhow, I am one week into my pills/shots and so far so good. When I started the shots on Saturday I had to give myself a little pep talk about why I needed to pull it together.  I am actually doubling my injections and I was really able to tell because going from 1 ml of the Bravelle to 2 ml burns a whole lot more.

Tomorrow is my next ultrasound and blood work and it is really a make or break it appointment. Please pray that I am good to go and this cycle is not canceled due to over stimulation   

1 comment:

  1. I love reading/watching your blog. praying and sending happy thoughts.
    -Tracey (Hendrickson) Jackson
