Thursday, December 13, 2012

Tales from the RE's office

I was sitting in the reproductive medicines office this morning waiting to be called back when in walks a couple in their late 30’s and a gentleman.

The gentleman looks around obviously very uncomfortable and goes up to the counter. He stated his name and that he was there for a semen analysis. As he took a seat I could tell that he was dreading the event that was to follow. I just felt plain bad for him. Not soon after a nurse called him back and instructed him to pick up a little blue cup and label on the way through the door. I know he just wanted to melt away.

This left me and the other couple in the room. When they realized it was just the three of us the women looks over to me and gives me a small smile. They sit there in silence not even saying anything to one another. You could tell that they have never been here before and were super nervous. I am sure they were dreading walking back to the Dr’s office only to have to confess that they needed help.

I am certainly no pro and compared to some have not spent years coming back to the same waiting room but it certainly gets a lot easier. I can now walk in there confidently and not feel like I am going to throw up. I counted it up and I have been there 11 times in the last 2 months for different blood tests, procedures or appointments. The girl at the front now knows my name and just checks me right in. I absolutely love the lady who takes my blood.  I feel like we could be best friends even though we have only spent a total of 15 minutes together combined.

And last but no least I leave you with a picture of me hanging out with my feet up just waiting to be given the go ahead to head on home. Oh the things you will do for a baby J

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