Monday, December 9, 2013

Cora Mae - 3 months

You have become your own little person this month. Your smiles are constant and the giggling is often. You have gotten so big and strong. One of your favorite things to do is stick out your tongue and stand on your feet. While holding our hands of course. Sometimes I get sad about you not stating itty bitty but then I think about how much fun you are and it just makes me cherish every single day.. 

This month you celebrated your second holiday Thanksgiving. We went up to Peoria and saw all of your daddy's family. You were a little overwhelmed with the amount of people however they just think you are so special. 

In the last two weeks you are consistently sleeping 8-9 hours at night. I finally realized how tired I have been and have been cherishing the extra hours of sleep. 

You are such a good baby and your daddy and I are incredibly blessed to have you as our daughter.  We can not imagine life without you in it. 

I love you to the moon and back. 
