Friday, February 3, 2012

26 Goals UPDATE - January

So here is my update after January. I am really just doing this for myself to bed able to reflect and keep myself accountable.  Updates in pink my favorite color. 

#1: Have a baby - Still trying :(
#2: Become more healthy - Still off the pop not sure if anything else has changed but hey pop was a HUGE step!
#3: Workout 2 to 3 times a week - Well I started Master's Swimming and I have accomplished this this week.
#4: Stay away from pop and Starbucks hot chocolate - POP yes, HOT CHOCOLATE NO
#5: Make dinner at least once a week  - Um can I change this goal :(
#6: Do Laundry twice a week so that it stays current  - Big big no but hey I will go downstairs right now and make it count for FEB.
#7: Clean out my clothes closet and get rid of at least ten items a month  - YES, Erica can attest for this!
#8: Use all the food in my fridge so it does not go to waste :(
#9: Start or join a women's bible study - Reading The Story does that count?
#10: Go on a date with my hubby once a week. - Not so good here he has been really busy shame shame hubby!
#11: Get something for my fish tank once a month. - No my fish are fighting and so I have been afraid
#12: Send a encouraging note via mail once a month to one of my family or friends. - YES
#13: Make my bed everyday - Horrible but probably only once a week
#14: Get up at 6:30 everyday so I have some down time. - Same as above
#15: Go to bed by 11:00pm every night on the weekdays - Okay I am not on a good role here
#16: Write down one positive of the day - I will give myself a 50%
#17: Tell my husband at least one thing I appreciate or love about him every day. - # one thing I promise I will be able to say yes to for the next 11updates
#18: Eat breakfast every morning - NO
#19: Do not nag my husband about his shoes or clothes being everywhere when he gets home - I have put them away for him
#20: Call my sisters at least once a week - 75%
#21: Go above and beyond at work at least once a week - I think so
#22: Not complain when I feel sad or bad - Hi my name is debbie downer
#23: Learn a new scripture once a week and memorize it - :(
#24: Read a book once a month - Hungar Games
#25: Start and finish projects within a two week period - YES
#26: Blog at least twice a week - I blogged 11 times in January so I think I did

Well there you go not so great.  I need to print this and hang this on my mirror.


  1. At least you have goals! I've never done the monthly goal thing. Although I love the idea, I don't know if it would encourage or discourage me! You have some great one's though & it looks like you're making some headway! Good for you! = )

    P.S. You've been nominated for the Liebster blog award. Check out my blog for more info! = )

  2. Hey Steph! I don't read your blog all the time, but when I do I am always impressed with your honesty and grace. I think it's great that you blog, and I'm sure it helps a lot of people--It has helped me before. You're an awesome person, and I hope I get to see you and the whole Houk family sometime soon :) Love you Friend.
