Wednesday, April 18, 2012

26 Goals UPDATE - March

I was kind of pushing this update just a little!! I don't feel like I had much to update but I am doing this anyway I want to be able to keep myself accountable and look back on things I accomplished. Here goes March.

#1: Have a baby - No, Nope, Nada, Nothing. I bet you are thinking hum what's going on. Don't worry you are not alone I think that everyday. :)
#2: Become more healthy - Should I leave this blank?? Guess what though in April's post I will be able to tell you I put myself on a two treats a week. Get excited for that update :)
#3: Workout 2 to 3 times a week: NOPE - I did by the Zumba DVD's(but they are still in the packaging)
#4: Stay away from pop and Starbucks hot chocolate - POP yes, Hot Chocolate yes!
#5: Make dinner at least once a week  - So much better, I think my hubby would even agree
#6: Do Laundry twice a week so that it stays current  - Yes! What I have found that if you do one load of laundry a day or every other day it is so easy. My laundry room is actually clean and I moved my sewing machine in there. It is actually a really fun room to be in now.
#7: Clean out my clothes closet and get rid of at least ten items a month  - YES, Talk about purging, my mom and I took a car load full to Salvation Army and alot of my stuff was clothes. I feel great!
#8: Use all the food in my fridge so it does not go to waste: I have been trying to just buy what we need and go to the store more often. It probably is more expensive in teh long run but food doesnot go to waste so that is good.
#9: Start or join a women's bible study - Reading THE STORY - Our small group is still plugging away
#10: Go on a date with my hubby once a week. - We  even went to lunch once last month. Can you believe it I think that has happened a total of never during the work day since we have been together. 
#11: Get something for my fish tank once a month. - 3 Snails and some other really cool fish that filters the bottom of the tank and I named him Butter Face.
#12: Send a encouraging note via mail once a month to one of my family or friends. - YES
#13: Make my bed everyday - Horrible x 100,  HORRIBLE X 1,000,000
#14: Get up at 6:30 everyday so I have some down time. -SKIP PLEASE
#15: Go to bed by 11:00pm every night on the weekdays - Much better, less insomnia
#16: Write down one positive of the day - Probably every other day
#17: Tell my husband at least one thing I appreciate or love about him every day. - I think I may be up to 85%. It is crazy that once you get in a habit it becomes easier. 
#18: Eat breakfast every morning - NO, I have skipped lunch alot lately and instead of it helping my middle situation I think I am hanging on to more fat. So much for my quest to become beach body ready before my trip in April.
#19: Do not nag my husband about his shoes or clothes being everywhere when he gets home - Much Better,I may even nominate myself for the Good Wife Award. I know my hubby should get the best Husband Award. Crazy how when you both try and make things a habit you both feel loved. 
#20: Call my sisters at least once a week - Not sure, Don't think I did terrible
#21: Go above and beyond at work at least once a week - YES
#22: Not complain when I feel sad or bad - I did pretty good for the month of March
#23: Learn a new scripture once a week and memorize it - :(
#24: Read a book once a month - Started reading the Hungar Games book #3
#25: Start and finish projects within a two week period - Well our bathroom is finished
#26: Blog at least twice a week - Not much better on this front I am afraid

Okay that's it, kind of boring I know! Hope you are all out enjoying the sunshine.

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