Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dear Cora - 7 Months

I sit here today on your 7 month birthday and can't believe how big you are getting. I love watching you crawl all over the place, play with toy after toy, jump in your bouncer, and smile all the time. 

This month you have had your first real food. Watching you eat is hysterical because you love to act like you are chewing food. Your favorite food so far is butternut squash and mango. You are not a fan of peaches or broccoli. We have also started introducing puffs. Although you can't quite figure out how to get them in your mouth by yourself by love trying. 

With the weather finally warming up we have taken many walks with Mimi and Mandy and Abigail. It is so nice to be able to get out of the house a bit. We can't wait till your friend Baby Girl Carver to get here so we can walk with her and her mama 2. 

You are still an expert traveler and we have made a trip to Brimfield and Clinton to see your many many cousins. You love kids of all ages. Sometimes I wish I had a five year old friend to come at with you in the afternoons. 

Sleeping lately has been a dream because you are now sleeping 10-12 hours a night straight with two naps. I finally feel like I am caught up from any sleep deprivation the last 9 months.

And last but not least two days ago I felt two teeth popping through. Aside from a little extra crabbiness and drool you have done awesome.

I am amazed and blessed by you every day and can't believe I get to keep you forever. 

Love you to the moon and back.

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