Monday, May 12, 2014

Cora - 8 Months

Dear Cora - 8 months

As I am writing this letter on the Eve of your 8 month birthday i am watching you on the monitor. Little girl you are quite the stitch. For the past fifteen minutes you have crawled around your crib, pulled yourself up in every possible corner and done acrobats that I wish I could do. 

Sleep: for the most part you do amazing. You lOve your bed and take great naps and always go down without a peep. We have had a few nights where you have woken up sad but most of the time you cry for a couple minutes and back down you go.

Food: Your primary food is still milk but you love puffs and will eat whole packets of food. I would say you are a pretty be great eater. 

Funny quirks: you hate to take walks in your stroller. I am trying to persevere but it is wearing to hear you cry. Your dad hates walks and for some reason you have picked up that trait. You do love being outside in the grass and especially swinging on the swing. Your little legs get moving super fast and the squeals are frequent.
You can crawl super fast and now can pull yourself up on anything. We have already had a few goose eggs. 

Weight: 17lbs

Cora you are so much fun and we love every it of you. 


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