Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Blue Room

After my miscarriage last July I was convinced that it would only take a few months to get pregnant again. Well I was pretty wrong about that because it is now Jan and no bun in the oven. I never thought that I would be one of those people that it would not be a piece of cake for. Anyhow to get my mind off of not be preggo each month I decided to forge ahead and clear out the room that will eventually be the baby's room.
 I painted this room a few times because I was originally going for a grey but greys are super hard people. I ended up settling in this blue color. I repainted a old dresser and replaced the drawer knobs,  hung some curtains I had bought from Ikea years ago and just the other day I found this awesome super soft rug from TJ Max.  When and if we have a kid, if we have a boy I am going to do a sailing theme. If it is a girl the sky's the limit but I know I am going to do a lot of cream and lace bedding and change out the curtains. I am hoping that   I will be able to do some more on this room soon because at this point it is all ready for the next step. 

1 comment:

  1. I wanted Charlotte's room to be grey, but it was impossible to find the right shade! I got 3 different samples - the first came out silver, the second came out purple and the third came out blue. Ack!

    I'm really loving this blue color and I especially like the old dresser - it's kind of a mid-century modern look which is my fav! I'm digging that cute little ottoman too. And that rug will be nice when you walk into little babe's room barefoot at 2:00 a.m. Praying for future little Sherman. What a blessed babe he/she will be.
