Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tuesday's Tips: Eye on the prize

Tonight we went to the FCA banquet and heard an awesome speaker, Brian Holman. His testimony was pretty incredible and his message is today's Tuesday tip.

Problem: Life challenges, waterfall experiences and bad days.

Tip: Keep your eye on the prize(heaven).

It has been a crazy last ten months and many times I have been super down but what a awesome testimony to hear today of all days. What matters most is that we share Christ's love with others and we make sure that our main focus and encouragement is what waits for us at the end of our life,heaven. It was very encouraging to hear Brian's story and be able to see him standing on the other side of difficult situations a stronger person. I made it through the day I have been dreading for a long time and I am ready for what is in store. So remember today what is important and keep your eye on the prize.

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