Tuesday, March 26, 2013

16 weeks(As of 3/22/13)

How far along: 
16 Weeks - Baby is the size of avacado

About this week: 
I really cant sleep on my stomach anymore. The times that I have rolled onto my stomach during the night my body wakes me up and I feeling sick. What has stressed me out is how many times I have woken up on my back. One of my books told me that at 15 weeks to stop sleeping on you back but I seem to wake up that way a lot. I have been told that as you get bigger that you will get woken up if you roll to your back so I am hoping that is the case. I have started trying to sleep with a pillow in front and in back of me to prevent this. Good thing we have a California King bed because I am sure I am hogging a lot of space. My belly has gotten huge!!! Seriously it is the craziest thing to grow a human. Your body starts growing and changing in places and ways you can not imagine. My sweet sweet husband has been super gracious and I love him for the encouragement when I feel gross.

Still pretty nausea some days and if it is not nausea then it is the indigestion and overall feeling of just having an off stomach. It seems that by about 9:30 at night no matter if I have had a nap or not I am ready for bed bc I feel so crummy. Mornings tend to be the best. I have noticed that I am starting to get some of my energy back. I was able to clean for a whole two hours on Saturday and that was after having worked for three at my sisters new house.

Food Aversions: 
Nope. I really crave everything but just have to be careful what I eat. 

Weight Gain:
Well I weigh 138lbs which is 11 pounds up from IUI day. I was hoping to not gain any weight for just a couple more weeks so I can stay on track but I guess I will need to start really monitoring my food intake. No diets of course but just eating smart healthy food. All I can say is once I reach that 140 mark I think I will be a basket case for a day.

Best moment of the week:
Each day is a huge blessing and I am thankful that we are this far along and everything seems perfect. 

What I am looking forward to:
Gender reveal party and hopefully feeling Shermbaby start to kick real soon!

Don't forget to vote on what you think baby is. Stats as of 3/25/13

Team Pink: (9)

Team Blue: (11)
Aunt Rita
Aunt Beth 

1 comment:

  1. You are looking so cute!! Not that you didn't look cute before... Anyway, I'm going to guess it's a girl. :)
