Monday, March 25, 2013

How about a funny...

My grandma Mary had the best stories to tell. Most of the time they were about her and something she did that was really embarrassing or silly. When we were younger we would always say to her             "grandma please tell me another funny" . I have had many funnies in my life and so in honor of my grandma here is a little "funny"  that happened to me.  

A few weeks ago in the midst of my puking extravaganza that I seemed to be on I woke up in the middle of the night and knew I was going to be sick. I ran into our bathroom and for some reason could not make it to the toilet so I decided the sink was the next best thing. In the midst of the constant puking I saw blood and freaked out. Realizing that not only was I having a hard time stopping the puking but I was having a bloody nose at the same time. In the midst of the craziness I  must have been gripping the pedestal sink so hard that I ripped it away from the wall causing the caulking to completely rip away. Here I am standing in the bathroom head over the sink puking with a bloody nose crying while gripping the wobbly sink. Poor Luke comes in the bathroom to try to help and I am trying to wave him away from the crime scene. Instead he held my hair, rubbed my back and helped me gain control and clean up. If that is not a good hubby I am not sure what is. Now I just need to get the sink fixed :)

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