Thursday, July 21, 2011


I just read a friends adoption update on her blog. She ended the blog by saying that they were in the "waiting game" with everything that this adoption is bringing. I can not imagine all that goes into trying to adopt out of the country and I am so excited that this family is honoring what God is calling them to do. So this post is not about anybody except myself.  My first thought after reading this blog was to feel sorry for myself and say "man I know how you feel that is all I have been doing lately".

 - I waited for my wonderful husband to propose to me for what felt like forever
 - I waited for my wedding to come
 - I waited for last summer to get over so my sister and her husband would come home from Costa Rica
 - I waited (and worked) for our house to get finished so we could move in
 - I waited for the last year so that we could finally try for a family

With all the waiting I have done I still am waiting. I am waiting for Erica to get done with grad school so she can move back home, I am waiting for a baby, I am waiting for the week to be over so I can have some down time. 

However, after all the waited/waiting I am realizing that I am spending so much time wishing for the next moment to come instead of finding joy in today. Can you even imagine how much we make God "wait" for us ?  It is incredible to me to think that no matter  how much God waits for us to start trusting HIM, waits for us to have a relationship with HIM, waits for us to honor HIS name HE is always patient. 

I am blessed!! I just wish it was easier to remember all the time.