Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Emotions from a hormonal INFERTILE girl

Do you ever have those days that you feel like the world is just squeezing in on you? Nothing seems right, your emotions are all over the place and there is not a sympathetic bone in your body for anyone else. I am so tired of feeling this way month after month.

Have you ever seen the movie Knocked Up? It is about a man and women who meet at a bar and have a one night stand and get pregnant. Not the most wholesome movie ever but there is a really funny part in the movie(aside from a bad word) when the dad to be starts yelling at his baby mama and says " (Insert F word) you hormones, not you just the hormones". He is basically telling his baby mama she has gone crazy b/c of her crazy hormones. Well that is how I feel except my hormones are not being caused by a greater good, they are just being produced from my wacked out hormonal INFERTILE body.

Yep I have officially been put into the class of people who get to say they have infertility. Lovely isn't it? Infertility sucks big time which in turns just makes me think that life sucks. What really sucks is no one even really asks me how I am any more.  Okay that part was a little dramatic  not true there are a few people like my mom and a few others who have experienced infertility that ask me. I realize it is probably hard for everyone else to ask me about it b/c they cannot relate. People who have not experienced infertility are quick to either dismiss my feelings, tell me  to relax, tell me of someone else who has gone through the same thing or worse(yeah that makes me feel better… NOT), tell me to exercise, have sex in this or that position, advise me on certain foods to eat and the list goes on. I realize that this post is kind of brutal but this is what is real people. Ask anyone who has gone through infertility.

My husband had a really rough childhood. He tells me sometimes that he is always looking for the next big disaster to hit. Sometimes I get so mad at myself for feeling sorry for myself but then I think about how unfair it is that I get to be just another person in Luke's life that gets to let him down. I know he does not look at it that way but I sure feel like the failure. He is the one who has to deal with my meltdowns each and every month. Even if I do not deserve everything to be easy in my life doesn't he deserve just one thing to be easy?

In realty I know it is not this bad all the time  just today and tomorrow is a new day.

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