Monday, September 5, 2011

Not Just Another Day...

Sunday morning started off as not just another day. Luke had to be up early because he was playing at church that day. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed as usual and was feeling a little more irritated than normal. Luke mentions that he sees a ambulance go by and is worried that our diabetic neighbor was having trouble again. Still in bed I close me eyes again and then decide I better get up and see if our neighbor was okay. Luke had already gone back out the door and as I got to the door I hear him say " I am a little worried that the ambulance is over at your parents house". 

Yes it was the neighbors just not the ones that I had thought at first. I flew out the front door and sprinted as fast I could over to my parents. They were caring my mom to the ambulance and I found my dad unconscious on the front walkway. I started freaking because I heard the fireman say it was a gas leak. I decided that I needed to run back to my house and put shoes, bra and my glasses on. I called my Nanny and Papa and they headed over right away. 

I thought that I had lost my dad, dog and was not sure if my mom was going to be okay. After eight hours on oxygen and extremely high levels of CO2 in their body my parents are home and okay. The firefighters found Bentley and he wet to the dogie ER and spent the day in a oxygen chamber and he is now home and okay. 

The fire fighters said my mom was a hero because even though she passed out three times she had the will power to somehow call 911. The Nurses kept saying they were lucky and should not be alive. However no matter what anyone says we have realized is that yesterday was nothing short of a miracle. There was no CO2 detector so only God's Angels could have kept directing my mom to wake up and call 911. And it was only because God is greater than all things that we could wake up today to sunshine and a new day. 

I have been taught many lessons the last 8 weeks between my miscarriage and the terror of losing my parents. I feel humbled, thankful, stronger and so totally in awe of the God I serve. 

**My parents now have (4) Natural Gas detectors hooked up and so do we. Please go and get some today if you do not have them and check your batteries in the ones you have. 

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