Friday, September 2, 2011


So on Monday I was writing a set on the board for practice. I usually write the set on the whiteboard and then explain it to everyone. What I thought I wrote was:

8 x 50 Sprint Kick on 1:00 

As the girl's were finishing up the previous set they started to look at the board and one of the girls asked they asked "What does Sprink mean?". Puzzled I replied it means Sprint Kick silly. Then one by one more girl's asked the same thing "What is Sprink?". Thinking this was really odd I looked over at the whiteboard and what I had really wrote was:

8 x 50 SprinK on the 1:00

Yep I think I have totally lost it. The funnier part to the story is that after replying to each one that the board said Sprint Kick they all thought that Sprink = Sprint Kick. So now I am running with my error and not going to let on that I was being dippy and will defiantly be using SprinK from here on out. 

**SprinK may just  now become a new term in the swimming community. Maybe I should patton!

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