Thursday, October 13, 2011

3 Months

3 months ago today was my miscarriage. It is funny at the type of grieving you go through. I think the first month I was sad at the drop of a hat. Then I became scared to think about getting pregnant again. Now I am defiantly ready to be pregnant again.

 It has been super frustrating the last few months because I go through a emotional roller coaster of temping, charting, peeing on ovulation tests, having cyst that rupture, not getting my period  You name it when it comes to my overies and eggs I have been a mess. I know that God is trying to teach me patience it is just plain hard. This month I have been so stressed that I know it has not been good for my body so I am really hoping that October is our month or health eating, healthy stress, healthy overies and eggs.  

I have always wanted to be a mom and I know that hundreds of people struggle with infertility and pregnancy loss but for some reason you never think you will fall in that same boat. I mean  it seems like everyone I know has a baby. Okay retraction not everyone actually maybe only half but their really has been alot. The realty is I have a really great family, a awesome job, good friends and an incredible hubby. Just praying that God has a special little babe in our future soon because we could not be more excited for one!

1 comment:

  1. Praying you guys have a sweet babe in your arms soon.
